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Welcome to SHOCT Kernow!

So here it is, after years of pondering on it I've finally gone and done it. Set myself up as a sexual health service.

I hope that what you find on this website is useful, it's bite-sized bits of information on sexual health that remove most if not all the jargon and hopefully make good sexual health a little simpler.

I suppose you should know a little about me?

Well, I've been working in sexual health for over 18 years now. Most of that was done in London through the Healthy Gay Living Centre, Terrence Higgins Trust and CLASH (Central London Action on Sexual Health). I learnt so much during my time in London and I hated to let it go but that was the state of the economy at the time so I decided to come home to Cornwall, yes

I am Cornish born and raised, where I hoped to be able to find something similar.

It took a while but I did end up working at Healthy Gay Cornwall for just over 2 years, I loved it. After leaving there I carried on with other work that didn't relate to sexual health or health promotion. I always had the idea to go into business for myself but never believed in myself enough to even try.

Whenever my husband mentioned setting myself up as a sole trader I would always find an excuse not to. Then one day, we talked and he helped me to realise that I would never know if I could do it unless I tried. That made me stop in my tracks, why wasn't I giving it a go?

So here we are.

I hope you like it, it has been designed with you in mind. Don't forget to go to our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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