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(not available on the NHS but is available through private



PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a treatment you take before

having sex to lower the risk of getting HIV. It is taken either daily

or as when needed. There are guidelines to follow when taking

the medication when needed – 2 pills taken 2-24hrs before sex,

1 pill 24hrs after sex then another pill 48 hours after sex.



The trials have shown that PrEP is effective in the reduction of risk of HIV transmission through unsafe or risky sex.


Taking PrEP ensures that there is enough medication to prevent HIV from infecting you if you have been exposed. PrEP is currently being trialled amongst high risk groups like gay and bisexual men, people in a relationship where one is HIV positive and not on medication and the other HIV negative, black Africans, Trans people and sex workers (or escorts).


PrEP does NOT protect against STIs so anyone taking it will need to test regularly for STIs at their local Sexual Health Clinic.


PrEP also doesn’t protect against pregnancy.

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